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Behavior Modification


A common error is to address a presenting behavior without treating the underlying cause. Eliminating a dog’s aggressive behavior like growling, lunging or shallow bites will not resolve his aggression – it will only suppress the obvious signals. The dog will still experience the same emotions but loses his ability to communicate through warning signals. This is can be the case when a dog “bites out of the blue” – he was previously punished for growling.


Behavior modification investigates why your dog reacts the way he does, as well as what triggers his response. When we know what is triggering your dog to react and why, we can intervene and address the underlying cause.



If you’re interested in training your dog to perform cues like Stay, Come, Heel, etc., then obedience training will help you reach your goals. Behavior modification addresses issues like fearfulness or aggression. R+K9 can help whether your dog needs obedience training, behavior modification, or both!


It all starts with an evaluation with Connie Moss, IAABC-ADT, LFDM-W. Evaluations are $200 at our facility or $250 at your home (within approximately 20 minutes driving from o. The location will depend on the issue you want to address.  


Behavior training and reactivity training in particular take an incredible amount of focus. It can be taxing for dogs which could work against the conditioning we are using, therefore, training sessions are done in 30 minutes increments. These 30 minute sessions are $80 each. How many sessions needed to complete training will depend on the behavioral issue and the dog. It can be a little as 2 sessions or as many as 20 sessions. This also allows you to pay as you go instead of a large financial outlay at the start without knowing how the training will progress. 

Obedience training teaches your dog to perform specific cued behaviors, while behavior modification addresses your dog’s reaction to a particular person, place, or thing.

Behavior Modification
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